After passing his exams, Christian Russ first worked at the foreign department of Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz. From there, he changed to the legal department of the Association of German Book Traders (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels). In 1992, he became the legal adviser of the publishing house Schott Musik International before he joined our law firm in Wiesbaden in 1994. In 2010, Professor Russ was appointed a notary public.
Professor Russ has a teaching assignment in the field of copyright and media law at the Johannes-Gutenberg University of Mainz and the University of Applied Science of Wiesbaden. He is a regular guest lecturer at events of the German Judicial Academy (Deutsche Richterakademie) dealing with press law. Invited by the Department for Foreign Affairs, Professor Russ gave a number of lectures on international copyright law i.a. in Damascus, Tallinn, Beirut, Budapest and Tehran.
For some years, Professor Russ has moreover been managing director and legal counsel of the Federal Association of German Mailorder Booksellers (Bundesverband der Deutschen Versandbuchhändler). He is the Chairman of the Arbitration Board for Competition Law of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) of Wiesbaden and Chairman of the Specialized Committee for Copyright and Media Law of the Bar Association of Frankfurt am Main.
Privately, Professor Russ is active in the managing board of Lebenshilfe Wiesbaden, an association engaged in the promotion of and attendance to mentally handicapped persons. In addition, he is a member of the Rotary Club and treasurer of Förderverein Wiesbadener Literaturhaus.