Dr. Stefan Rutkowsky joined our law firm in Wiesbaden in 1970. In 1974, he was licensed to practise as tax consultant and in 1981, he was appointed a notary public.
Dr. Stefan Rutkowsky wrote a large number of articles and reports for specialized legal journals. Moreover, he is the author of the popular legal manual "Der Hausjurist" that has been published in many editions. There has been published the second edition of his book "Schenkung, Testament, Erbschaft". On a honorary capacity, Dr. Stefan Rutkowsky is active in various legal associations and he is a member of the Wiesbaden Lions Club.
At our Wiesbaden-based law firm, Dr. Stefan Rutkowsky advises you in matters under company and tax law. Moreover, he is at your service as a lawyer specialized in national and international law of succession and is active as a notary public.